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        Express Supplier Code ofConduct   
        Express requires all suppliers and subcontractors to fully comply with the following Code of Conduct: Express 
        1.Compliance with Laws
        Compliance with all laws, rules, and regulations.
        2.Minimum Wages and Benefits
        Payment to workers of the minimum wage prescribed by local law or the prevailing local industry wage, whichever is higher; provision to workers of benefits that conform tothe better of applicable local law or prevailing local industry standards; and payment to workers of overtime compensation in compliance with all applicable laws.
        3.Maximum Working Hours
        Overtime shall be limited to a level consistent with humane and productive workingconditions. Workers shall not be required, on a regularly scheduled basis, to work in excess of sixty hours (or lower if prescribed by local laws or local industry standards) per week; and, generally, workers shall be provided with at least one day off in seven.
        4.No Forced Labor
        Prison, indentured, bonded, involuntary, slave labor, or labor obtained through human trafficking shall not be used.
        5.No Child Labor
        All workers shall be at least the local minimum legal working age, or ILO standard, whichever is higher.
        6.Health and Safety

        The work environment shall be safe and healthy.


        Workers shall be selected only on the basis of their ability to do the job and not on the basis of other personal characteristics or beliefs.
        8.No Corporal Punishment
        Neither corporal punishment nor any other form of physical or psychological coercion shall be used against workers.
        9.Freedom ofAssociation
        The lawful exercise of workers› rights of free association shall be respected and not restricted or interfered in, and workers lawfully exercising those rights shall not be threatened or penalized.
        Suppliers must comply with all applicable anti-corruption and anti-bribery laws, rules and regulations and anti-bribery policies and requirements established by Express.
        Suppliers must comply with all applicable environmental laws and regulations.
        12.Community Involvement
        Projects undertaken in partnership with community groups or local or internationalnon-governmental organizations (NGOs), particularly those that address educational opportunities for younger people employed in production facilities, shall be encouraged and supported.
        For the purpose of monitoring compliance with our policies, Express and itssubcontractors and agents shall be given unrestricted access to all production facilitiesand dormitories and to all relevant records, whether or not notice is provided in advance.
        Express does not allow unauthorized subcontracting. A formal request must be submitted to Express for approval should a supplier require subcontracting.

浙江验厂网作为受认可的第三方验证机构和培训机构(VB, Verification Body),拥有丰富的验厂认证咨询经验,可以提供众多项目的验厂认证辅导服务。我们的服务宗旨是“专业辅导+良好人脉”双保险确保工厂快速通过验厂,专为工厂解决验厂中遇到的各种难解之题;强大的顾问团队,优质的服务口碑,验厂关系通全国、可提前安排审核,现场公关、审核时间查询;通过后付款,选择浙江验厂网-任何原因导致验厂不通过,我们负责到底!


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