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当前位置:首页 >行业动态>纽威品牌供应链安全审查清单包括哪些内容?通过Newell Brands验厂有什么好处?
纽威品牌供应链安全审查清单包括哪些内容?通过Newell Brands验厂有什么好处?


        Newell Brands验厂是当下一个比较热门的的验厂审核项目,那么,为什么要进行Newell Brands验厂呢?浙江验厂网熟知各种验厂要求,提供验厂咨询、验厂辅导、验厂培训服务,专业验厂认证12年,下面结合多年的验厂辅导经验,为大家简单分享纽威品牌供应链安全审查文件清单有哪些。
        1. General 通用文件
        · Security Policy / Security Guard Handbook 供应链安全手册/保安手册
        . Facility security plan and Security guard/force contract 企业保安计划及保安人员合同
        . Registration Certificates of Security Guards 保安上岗证
        . Shift Records and Patrol Records of Security Guards 保安轮班记录和巡逻记录
        2. Personnel Security 人事安全
        · Recruiting procedure and related records 招工程序及招聘记录
        . Personnel files :including demonstration of pre-employment verification,background checks and/or investigations,including updated/periodic employee checks(based on cause or sensitivity of position)人事档案:包括聘用前检查、背景审核和/或调查,包括最新的/定期的员工审查(根据事由或职位敏感性)记录
        · Personnel Termination procedure 辞职程序
        .Records of Returned Articles after Resignation 辞工物品交还表
        · Employee ID management procedure :including employee ID returning, retrieving and deactivating access 员工证管理程序,包括员工证返还,找回及解除访问权限程序
        · Employee ID records :including distribution,retrieval, and missing IDs 员工证记录:包括发放、归还和丢失
        · Facility access keys records :including distribution,retrieval, and missing keys 企业钥匙使用记录:包括发放、回收和丢失
        3.Physical Access Controls 出入控制
        · Visitor/ Vehicle In/Out Management Procedure 外来人员/车辆进出管理程序
        . Incoming & outgoing checking records of visitor / visiting Vehicles 来访人员/车辆进出登记表
        . Incoming & outgoing checking records of containers 货柜进出登记表
        . Incoming & outgoing records of facility's /employee vehicles 厂车/员工车辆进出登记表
        4. Physical Security 实体安全
        · Daily inspection records and quarterly preventative maintenance plan for CCTV system摄像监控系统日常检查记录及季度维护计划
        · Physical security procedures: including fencing, lighting, alarm systems, and CCTV coverage 实体保安程序:包括护栏、照明、报警系统和 CCTV 监控范围

        5. Container and Trailer Security 货柜/拖车安全
        · Management Procedure of Container & Trailer 货柜/拖车管理程序
        Checking Records of Container/Trailer 货柜/拖车检查记录
        · Loading Control Procedure 货物装柜监控程序
        Container Loading/Unloading Records 装柜/卸柜记录
        · Procedure for affixing,repacing,recording and tracking of seals 封条使用、更换、记录及追踪程序
        · Seal control records 封条控制记录
        · Procedure for handling broken seal case and reporting anomalies 处理封条破损事件及报告异常情况程序
        6. Procedural Security 程序安全
        · Warehouse Management Procedure 仓库管理程序
        · Procedures for detecting and resolving shortages,overages and other anomalies货物超重,短缺或其它异常的发现及处理程序
        · Procedures for tracking the timely movement of incoming and outgoing goods 货物移动的及时追踪程序
        · Management Procedure for Emergency Cases 紧急应变管理程序
        · Procedure to report lost or missing assets/relevant incident reports 财产丢失的报告程序/相关的事故报告记录
        · Policies or procedures to notify Customs and other law enforcement agencies in cases where illegal activities are detected or suspected 发现非法事物通报海关或其它政府部门的程序
        7. Selection Standard or record of Business Partners and Supplier 供应商及合作伙伴选择标准
        · Security standards and procedures for contractors and vendors: including contracts, manuals, etc.承包商和供应商的保安标准和程序:包括合同、手册
        · Selection process of business partners: including carriers, consolidators and 3PLs 商业伙伴的选择程序:包括承运商、拼装商和第三方物流公司
        · SCS certified business partner SVI number    SCS 成员公司的 SVI 号码
        · Agreement with trucking company 与陆运公司签的协议
        · Agreement with security company if applicable      与保安公司签的协议如适用
        · Supplier security survey record 供应商供应链安全调查记录
        8. IT Security Management Procedure 资讯安全管理程序
        · Information access control procedures 信息资料控制程序
        · IT security procedures IT 安全程序
        · Password change record of IT system 资讯系统的密码更改记录
        9. Security Training Procedures 安全培训程序
        · Employee orientation and training(s)materials and records 员工入职指引和培训材料和记录;
        ·  Security guard/force training record 保安人培训记录
        · Employee security awareness training material and records 员工保安意识培训教材及记录
        · Specialized training for shipping/receiving personnel, security personnel and personnel assigned to supply chain
        10.SCS Internal Audit Report 内审报告
        11.Others 其它文件

浙江验厂网作为受认可的第三方验证机构和培训机构(VB, Verification Body),拥有丰富的验厂认证经验,可以提供众多项目的验厂认证辅导服务。我们的服务宗旨是“专业辅导+良好人脉”双保险确保工厂快速通过验厂,专为工厂解决验厂中遇到的各种难解之题;强大的顾问团队,优质的服务口碑,验厂关系通全国、可提前安排审核,现场公关、审核时间查询; 通过后付款,选择浙江验厂网-任何原因导致验厂不通过,我们负责到底!


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